Vekon Otomasyon

earth EN

E-Approval, Notification And Authority Delegation Management

Certain business processes require authorization from the designated person before proceeding with the operation. The authorized personnel can grant permission to the request without having to be present, speeding up the process.
Sending Reports by Email
With this module, you can email all types of dashboard reports form either once or on a schedule (daily, weekly, or monthly). You can email the reports to users or groups.
Email notifications are sometimes not read by the staff. Through this system, announcements show up as pop-ups so it is read directly by recipients. Through the e-signature feature, users can monitor whether the announcement has been read or not.
Authority Delegation Management
With this module, employees can delegate their authority to a designated person for a desired period when they go on leave or don’t have access to the system.
Email and SMS Notification
In cases where certain personnel or clients need to be informed about various business processes, the module will automatically generate email or sms messages to the designated person.

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